Nondispersive hole transport in a spin-coated dendrimer film measured by the charge-generation-layer time-of-flight method

Measurements of the mobility of a first-generation (G1) bis-fluorene cored dendrimer have been performed on spin-coated samples of 500 nm thickness using the charge-generation-layertime-of-flight (TOF) technique. A 10 nm perylene chargegeneration layer was excited by the 532 nm line of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser and the generated carriers swept through the dendrimer film under an applied field. We observe nondispersive hole transport in the dendrimer layer with a room-temperature mobility μ=2.0×10 −4 cm 2 / V s at a field of 0.55 MV/cm. There is a weak field dependence of the mobility and it increases from μ=1.6×10 −4 cm 2 / V s at 0.2 MV/cm to μ=3.0×10 −4 cm 2 / V s at 1.4 MV/cm. These results suggest that the measurement of mobility by TOF in spin-coated samples on thickness scales relevant to organic light-emitting diodes can yield valuable information, and that dendrimers are promising materials for device applications.