Evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction for the detection of human papillomavirus from urine

The ability to detect the presence of human pap-illomavirus (HPV)-DNA sequences in urine was evaluated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). DMA was purified and extracted from urine samples, and subjected to 40 cycles of amplification using the consensus primer pair MY11 and MY09. Coamplification using the β-globin primers, GH20 and PC04, was performed as an internal reaction control. Following assay optimization, urine samples from 22 women undergoing examination for cervical dysplasia were tested for the presence of HPV-DNA. PCR assay results were correlated with cytologic and histo-logic findings as well as Vira Type(tm) assay results. Overall, HPV was detected by PCR in 16 (76%) of the interpretable samples. HPV sequences were detected in 13 (87%) of the 15 specimens from women showing evidence of condylomata, dysplasia, or invasive carcinoma. HPV was detected in 3 (50%) of the women whose cytologic or his-tologic results were either negative or showed benign atypia. Although the sample size in this study is small, our results show that HPV can be detected by PCR in a majority of individuals showing evidence of HPV infection. The method described provides a means for the clinical laboratory to detect a broad range of HPV types from using a sample obtained by noninvasive techniques. The ability to easily obtain urine would allow for increased numbers of individuals to be tested, and thus, aid in our understanding of HPV.

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