Universal spectral properties of spatially periodic quantum systems with chaotic classical dynamics

We consider a quasi one-dimensional chain of N chaotic scattering elements with periodic boundary conditions. The classical dynamics of this system is dominated by diffusion. The quantum theory, on the other hand, depends crucially on whether the chain is disordered or invariant under lattice translations. In the disordered case, the spectrum is dominated by Anderson localization whereas in the periodic case, the spectrum is arranged in bands. We investigate the special features in the spectral statistics for a periodic chain. For finite N, we define spectral form factors involving correlations both for identical and non-identical Bloch numbers. The short-time regime is treated within the semiclassical approximation, where the spectral form factor can be expressed in terms of a coarse-grained classical propagator which obeys a diffusion equation with periodic boundary conditions. In the long-time regime, the form factor decays algebraically towards an asymptotic constant. In the limit $N\to\infty$, we derive a universal scaling function for the form factor. The theory is supported by numerical results for quasi one-dimensional periodic chains of coupled Sinai billiards.