The Nature and Location of Lower Esophageal Ring

Anatomic evidence was found for the existence of two different types of rings in the lower esophagus. One hundred specimens of the gastroesophageal area, removed from fresh cadavers, were examined radiographically and anatomically for the presence of ringlike lesions in the lower esophagus. Fourteen such lesions were found in 12 specimens. Nine were mucosal and five muscular in type. The nine mucosal rings were all located at the squamocolumnar junction, at the level of the constrictor cardiae, and in the region of the lower attachment of the phrenoesophageal membrane. The five muscular rings were located proximal to the site of the mucosal ring, in the region of the upper attachment of the phrenoesophageal membrane, were covered by squamous epithelium, and corresponded to the inferior esophageal sphincter.