An Assay for HIV RNA in Infected Cell Lysates, and its use for the Rapid Evaluation of Antiviral Efficacy

A rapid, high-capacity assay for evaluating the potency of anti-HIV compounds was devised. This assay measures cell associated viral RNA levels 3 days after infection of susceptible T-cell lines grown in individual microtitre plate wells. Viral RNA was quantified by a sandwich hybridization assay, the first step of which was performed directly in crude infected cell lysates prepared in guanidinium isothio-cyanate. Levels of cell-associated viral RNA were shown to correlate with the yield of infectious virus and this correlation formed the basis of the test. Antiviral potencies of a large series of compounds tested in this RNA hybridization assay correlated closely with potency values determined by a sensitive but slower and more labour-intensive yield-reduction assay. Both laboratory strains and selected clinical isolates of HIV can be detected in this RNA hybridization assay.