A to O Bone Marrow Transplantation in Severe Aplastic Anaemia: Dynamics of Blood Group Conversion and Demonstration of Early Dyserythropoiesis in the Engrafted Marrow

Summary. A to O bone marrow transplantation was performed in a 25‐year‐old male affected with severe aplastic anaemia, the donor being an HLA compatible brother. Three plasma exchanges had to be performed with an Aminco separator to remove the original and recurring anti‐A isohaemagglutinins. The dynamics of O to A blood group conversion were followed by means of differential agglutination. An early wave of marked dyserythropoiesis was observed in the engrafted marrow. Mild to moderate GvHD was treated successfully with MTX, bolus high dosage 6‐methyprednisolone and, at relapse, with intravenous ALG.