Characterization of human malignant melanoma cell lines

We have established conditions for the study of membrane glycoprotein synthesis and turnover in cultured human malignant melanoma cell lines using the labeled precursor [3H]glucosamine. Uptake of label increased parallel with cell growth, reaching a steady state in resting cultures. Fifteen to 30% of incorporated label can be released from the cells by trypsin treatment depending on the conditions of exposure to the enzyme, and about 50% of the incorporated label is spontaneously shed from the cells within 96 hr of incubation. Labeling in exhausted medium gave a 5- to 8-fold increase in uptake which was inhibited by addition of glucose (2 mg per ml) into the culture medium. The percentage of trypsin-releasable material was identical in fresh and exhausted medium; however, the percentage shed was less in cells initially labeled in exhausted medium. These data provide background information for further studies on the antigenic composition of the glycoproteins of cultured melanoma cells.