Lung cancer and exposure to diesel exhaust among bus garage workers.

Mortality and cancer incidence was investigated among the 695 bus garage workers employed as mechanics, servicemen, or hostlers for at least six months in five bus garages in Stockholm between 1945 and 1970. The exposure to diesel exhaust and asbestos was estimated by industrial hygienists. A small excess of lung cancer mortality was found in the cohort when occupationally active men in Stockholm were used as the reference group. A case-referent study was performed within the cohort, six referents being selected for each of the 20 lung cancer cases. The lung cancer risk increased with increasing cumulative exposure to diesel exhaust, but not with cumulative asbestos exposure. The relative risk for lung cancer among the highly exposed men was 2.4 (95% CI 1.3-4.5) as compared with those with low exposure. The study indicates that exposure to diesel exhaust increases the risk for lung cancer.