The nucleotide sequence of aroH, the structural gene for the tryptophan-sensitive 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase [DAHPS(Trp)], is presented, and the deduced amino acid sequence of AroH is compared with that of the tyrosine-sensitive (AroF) and phenylalanine-sensitive (AroG) DAHPS isoenzymes. The high degree of sequence similarity among the three isoenzymes strongly indicates that they have a common evolutionary origin. In vitro chemical mutagenesis of the cloned aroH gene was used to identify residues and regions of the polypeptide essential for catalytic activity and for tryptophan feedback regulation. Missense mutations leading either to loss of catalytic activity or to feedback resistance were found interspersed throughout the polypeptide, suggesting overlapping catalytic and regulatory sites in DAHPS(Trp). We conclude that the specificity of feedback regulation of the isoenzymes was probably acquired by the duplication and divergent evolution of an ancestral gene, rather than by domain recruitment.