Calculated electrical and thermal resistivities of Nb and Pd

The electrical and thermal resistivities (ρ and W) of pure Nb and Pd are calculated from nearly first principles. Realistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker energy bands and wave functions, experimental phonon frequencies and Born-von Kármán eigenvectors, and rigid muffin-tin electron-phonon potentials are used to generate the velocities and scattering probabilities in the Bloch-Boltzmann equation, at a mesh of nearly 48 000 points on the Fermi surface. Solutions for ρ and W are exhibited at three levels of accuracy: (1) the lowest-order variational approximation (LOVA) where the Fermi surface displaces rigidly; (2) the N-sheet approximation where different sheets of Fermi surface displace independently; (3) a fully inelastic calculation where the N-sheet approximation is used and the distribution function is allowed arbitrary variations with energy (normal to the Fermi surface) to reflect the inelasticity of electron-phonon scattering. Above T=100 K, corrections to LOVA are of order 1%, but below T=100 K, both the N-sheet approximation and inelasticity give large corrections to the LOVA results. These results are also compared with Bloch-Grüneisen formulas fitted at TΘD. In the range 100 KT300 K, calculations exceed experimental results by ∼ 10%. Good agreement persists into the range 10 KT100 K, except that in Nb theory underestimates experiment significantly at the lower-temperature end, suggesting a possible error of rigid muffin-tin models for small Q scattering. In Pd the interpretation is complicated by Coulomb effects. Below T=10 K, finite mesh size prevents reliable calculations. Simple models such as Bloch-Grüneisen theory are inadequate to account for the data. Mott's (1936) "sd" picture is shown to be qualitatively correct for Pd. Extension of this picture to Nb was suggested subsequently by various authors, but the present calculation does not support this.