Distribution of lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the brain and pituitary gland of larval, metamorphic, and adult sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus

Lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone was demonstrated in the brains of larval, metamorphic, and adult sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, using an immunoperoxidase technique. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone was observed in the neurohypophysis and preoptic area of the brain of larval, metamorphic, juvenile, and prespawning adults. The occurrence of immunoreactive cells and the intensity of the immunostaining was lowest in larvae, but by stage 5 of metamorphosis there was a marked increase in the prevalence and staining of these cells, which continued into adults. In larvae and lampreys in metamorphic stages 1–4, most immunoreactive fibres were confined to the dorsal region of the neurohypophysis. During stage 5 there was an expansion of immunopositive fibres into the ventral portion of the neurohypophysis. Prominent immunoreactivity was observed throughout the neurohypophysis from stage 5 onward through the adult stages. Changes in immunoreactivity of these cells and fibres in the brain and neurohypophysis correlate well with increased concentrations of hormone in the brain during development and with the timing of presumed changes in activity of cells in the adenohypophysis during metamorphosis.

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