Stochastic model neuron without resetting of dendritic potential: application to the olfactory system

A two-dimensional neuronal model, in which the membrane potential of the dendrite evolves independently from that at the trigger zone of the axon, is proposed and studied. In classical one-dimensional neuronal models the dendritic and axonal potentials cannot be distinguished, and thus they are reset to resting level after firing of an action potential, whereas in the present model the dendritic potential is not reset. The trigger zone is modelled by a simplified leaky integrator (RC circuit) and the dendritic compartment can be described by any of the classical one-dimensional neuronal models. The new model simulates observed features of the firing dynamics which are not displayed by classical models, namely positive correlation between interspike intervals and endogenous bursting. It gives a more natural account of features already accounted for in previous models, such as the absence of an upper limit for the coefficient of variation of intervals (i.e. irregular firing). It allows the first- and second-order neurons of the olfactory system to be described with the same basic assumptions, which was not the case in one-point models. Nevertheless it keeps the main qualitative properties found previously, such as the existence of three regimens of firing with increasing stimulus concentration and the sigmoid shape of the firing frequency of firstorder neurons as a function of the logarithm of stimulus concentration.