The ectodermal-mesenchymal interspace of the chick leg bud was studied at stages leading to the formation of the apical ectodermal ridge (A.E.R.) (stages 14 to 19 HH), using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The main findings were: 1. a continuous basal lamina under the ectoderm; 2. extracellular fibrils interconnecting the basal lamina and mesenchymal cell processes; 3. an increase in the number of the fibrils during these stages, with the highest number under the A.E.R.; 4. branching mesenchymal cell processes that spread over the basal lamina, making contact with it in all stages. The morphology of the interspace and the changes in it suggest that extracellular material may be significant in the ectodermal-mesenchymal interactions in the limb bud.