One example of molecular hyperfine structure in theΠ1state: Study of theBΠ1→XΣ1transition of the LuF molecule

The accurate measurements obtained with Fabry-Perot spectrometry allowed a detailed determination of the main hyperfine interactions in the (0-0) BΠ1XΣ1 transition of the LuF molecule. The corresponding parameters are Q0,0=35±5 mK, Q1,1=30±4 mK, Q1,1=34±3 mK, GLu=53±3 mK, and GF7 mK. Then it is shown that these parameters give important information on the LuF bond and its origin: high ionicity (> 95%), high c tendency for the excited Π1 state, probable atomic origin of molecular configurations: 6s6p(LuII)(6sσ)(6pπ) and 6s2(LuII)(6sσ)2.