Eddy-current probe impedance due to a volumetric flaw

Eddy current induced in a metal by a coil carrying an alternating current may be perturbed by the presence of any macroscopic defects in the material, such as cracks, surface indentations, or inclusions. In eddy‐current nondestructive evaluation, defects are commonly sensed by a change of the coil impedance resulting from perturbations in the electromagnetic field. This paper describes theoretical predictions of eddy‐current probe responses for surface cracks with finite opening. The theory expresses the electromagnetic field scattered by a three‐dimensional flaw as a volume integral with a dyadic kernel. Probe signals are found by first solving an integral equation for the field at the flaw. The field equation is approximated by a discrete form using the moment method and a numerical solution found using conjugate gradients. The change in probe impedance due to a flaw is calculated from the flaw field. Predictions of the theory are compared with experimental impedances due to eddy‐current interaction with a rectangular surface breaking slot. Good agreement is found between predictions and the measurements.