Multiple forms of histone H2B from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

The complete amino acid sequence of histone H2B from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was determined. The protein as obtained by us is a mixture of multiple forms. Approx. 90% of the molecules consist of a polypeptide chain of 122 amino acids with alanine as N-terminal residue and proline at the second position. In the remaining 10% alanine is lacking and the chain starts with proline. In addition to the heterogeneity of chain length, polymorphism occurs at the positions 7 (Ala/Lys), 14 (Ala/Lys) and 72 (Ala/Ser) of the major chain and at position 6 (Ala/Lys) of the shorter chain. In the N-terminal third of the molecule there is a high degree of sequence homology to the corresponding region in H2B from Drosophila (insect), Patella (mollusc) and Asterias (starfish). In contrast, this part of the molecule differs considerably from mammalian histone H2B.