Decision-Model Estimation of the Age-Specific Disability Weight for Schistosomiasis Japonica: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Schistosomiasis is among the most prevalent parasitic infections worldwide. However, current Global Burden of Disease (GBD) disability-adjusted life year estimates indicate that its population-level impact is negligible. Recent studies suggest that GBD methodologies may significantly underestimate the burden of parasitic diseases, including schistosomiasis. Furthermore, strain-specific disability weights have not been established for schistosomiasis, and the magnitude of human disease burden due to Schistosoma japonicum remains controversial. We used a decision model to quantify an alternative disability weight estimate of the burden of human disease due to S. japonicum. We reviewed S. japonicum morbidity data, and constructed decision trees for all infected persons and two age-specific strata, S. japonicum was associated with an average disability weight of 0.132, with age-specific disability weights of 0.098 (S. japonicum disability weight in the Schistosoma japonicum, remains controversial. This study was conducted to provide an alternate measure of the burden of S. japonicum. We reviewed the literature and calculated a summary estimate for S. japonicum which was seven to 46 times greater than current measures for schistosomiasis. Findings suggest that current measures severely underestimate the extent of schistosomiasis, and urgently need to be revised. Further research is needed to examine the burden of schistosomiasis and other forgotten tropical diseases affecting the world's poorest people in endemic countries.