Effects of γ-radiation on electrical polarization of diglycine nitrate crystals

An experimental study of radiation damage in diglycine nitrate (NH2CH2COOH)2HNO3 under different irradiation conditions has been carried out. During irradiation in the polar phase the internal bias field Eb stabilizing the spontaneous polarization, is formed in the crystals. The equilibrium values of Eb calculated from the experimental data and thermodynamical relations show a weak temperature dependence in the vicinity of the diffused phase transition being increased at lower temperature. The temperature maximum of the dielectric constant becomes sharp but suppressed in value followed by the blurring of the peaks. Their positions are shifted towards lower temperature. The behaviour of a temperature anomaly of the dielectric constant after irradiation in the paraelectric phase is qualitatively the same but the shift of its position to lower temperature is much more pronounced. The bias field is not formed in that case. The phenomena involved are related to the stabilization of spontaneous polarization and suppression of the displacement mobility of domain walls. These phenomena are to a certain extent similar to those observed in irradiated triglycine sulfate, but there are some interesting features, such as the behaviour of irradiated diglycine nitrate in the absence of the internal bias field and others.

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