Telephone support as an adjunct to transdermal nicotine in smoking cessation.

OBJECTIVES: Transdermal nicotine patches have shown considerable promise in improving smoking cessation outcomes. The present study assessed telephone support as an adjunct to a managed care-based, single-session group orientation smoking cessation program with nicotine patch therapy. METHODS: The unit of randomization was the orientation session (n = 35). Subjects (n = 509) were randomly assigned to a group session without telephone support, the session plus access to a toll-free help line, or the session with telephone help line plus active telephone outreach. RESULTS: Contrary to hypothesis, there were no differences between treatment conditions. Overall abstinence rates were 22% at 6 months and 21% at 1 year. Fewer than 1% of eligible subjects called the toll-free help line. An average of 3.8 of a possible 4 calls were completed in the telephone outreach condition. CONCLUSIONS: Abstinence results obtained in this program were comparable to those obtained with more extensive counseling. However, there was no evidence of benefit from telephone support beyond the initial physician-led group orientation session.