Partial Agenesis of Septum Pellucidum With Cave of Septum Pellucidum

Although numerous reports of partial or complete agenesis of the septum pellucidum 1-17 and caves of the septum pellucidum15,18-23 have been recorded, the occurrence of both of these anomalies in the same case is extremely rare. Since no example with this anatomical association has been found in a search of the literature, the closest approximation being case II of Spillane,16 the following case is described. Report of Case A 17-month-old Negro male was admitted to the Morrisania City Hospital on March 17, 1963, for the fourth tim with fever, lethargy, and diarrhea of approximately two weeks' duration. Significant past medical history began at the age of five months when, after a bout of diarrhea and convulsions, he became semicomatose and was admitted to the Morrisania City Hospital on May 24, 1962. Except for the semicomatose state, no unusual clinical findings were noted. Laboratory data, including cultures of spinal

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