BH lasers with GaInAsP and GaInAs active layers grown by MOVPE using tertiarybutylarsine and tertiarybutylphosphine

BH lasers were grown by atmospheric-pressure MOVPE using either PH3 and AsH3 or t-BuPH2 and t-BuAsH2 to produce the active lasing layer. Quaternary (λ = l.5 μm) devices grown from the organic sources approach the quality of hydride-grown devices, with threshold currents of 20 mA and output powers of 6mW. The performance is probably limited by impurities in the t-BuPH2 since GalnAs lasers grown from t-BuAsH2 were identical in performance to GalnAs lasers grown from AsH3. When growing GalnAsP from the organic sources the incorporation of arsenic into the solid phase was nonlinear: similar to that reported for the hydrides.