Fluctuation theory in quantum-optical systems

We show that the most complete and accurate description of fluctuations in quantum-optical systems is that obtained using the generalized Wigner distribution for the macroscopic observables of the system. The smallness of the inverse of the saturation photon number entitles us to neglect the terms with derivatives of order higher than second order in the time-evolution equation for the quasiprobability distribution. This treatment allows us to also describe correctly nonclassical effects such as photon antibunching or "squeezing," which are maltreated or even destroyed if one neglects the atom-atom correlations. We derive and analyze the Fokker-Planck equation for the Wigner function in the case of the usual laser and compare the results with those following from other approaches. In the region very high above threshold we find a small antibunching effect, which was not discovered in previous treatments due to the neglect of atom-atom correlations.