Type localities, distr., identifications, authorship (Kner and Steindachner), and year of original publication (1863) are clarified and, for several spp., rectified. Spp. attributed by the authors to "New-Granada" came from Panama, not from Colombia as commonly stated. Macrodon fasciatus is regarded as a nomen nudum synonym of Hoplias malabaricus. Trichomycterus is accepted in place of Pygidium. Mollienisia sphenops gilli of Panama is diagnosed. Agonostomus nasutus is provisionally regarded as a synonym of A. monticola despite differences in thickness and structure of the lips. Cichlasoma altifrons and Paraneetroplus sieboldi, removed from the list of Colombian fishes, are regarded as occurring in the adjacent waters of Panama and Costa Rica on the Pacific slope.