Subunit rotation of ATP synthase embedded in membranes: a or β subunit rotation relative to the c subunit ring

ATP synthase FoF13β3γδɛab2c10–14) couples an electrochemical proton gradient and a chemical reaction through the rotation of its subunit assembly. In this study, we engineered FoF1 to examine the rotation of the catalytic F1 β or membrane sector Fo a subunit when the Fo c subunit ring was immobilized; a biotin-tag was introduced onto the β or a subunit, and a His-tag onto the c subunit ring. Membrane fragments were obtained from Escherichia coli cells carrying the recombinant plasmid for the engineered FoF1 and were immobilized on a glass surface. An actin filament connected to the β or a subunit rotated counterclockwise on the addition of ATP, and generated essentially the same torque as one connected to the c ring of FoF1 immobilized through a His-tag linked to the α or β subunit. These results established that the γɛc10–14 and α3β3δab2 complexes are mechanical units of the membrane-embedded enzyme involved in rotational catalysis.