Absolute Cross Sections and Excitation Functions for (d, p) and (d, 2n) Reactions on Mn55, Cu63, Cu65, Zn66, and Zn68 Between 3 and 11.6 MeV

Absolute cross sections and excitation functions for some (d, p) and (d, 2n) reactions have been measured by activation and stacked-foil techniques. The cross sections for (d, p) reactions seem to indicate a direct mechanism, although there seems to be some compound nucleus admixture above the Coulomb barrier. A striking result is the great difference (a factor 3.5) between the (d, p) cross sections on the two Cu isotopes. This result is unexplained and requires confirmation. The (d, 2n) reaction proceeds via compound-nucleus formation but the theoretical excitation functions, calculated on the basis of compound-nucleus formation followed by evaporation of particles, are not in agreement with the experimental ones. The isomeric ratio of the Zn69 isomers is also discussed.