Inactivation of Microbial Alkaline Phosphatase in Hispanic-Style Cheeses with the Scharer Rapid Phosphatase Test

Six Hispanic-style cheeses containing alkaline phosphatase(s) of microbial origin tested positive using the Scharer Rapid Phosphatase Test, as outlined in Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products, 15th edition. Microbial alkaline phosphatase controls were prepared by pasteurization of 7.5% butanol-water extracts of each cheese as described in Standard Methods. The heat treatment should have had little effect on microbial phosphatase activity; however, rapid inactivation of the enzymes was found. However, inactivation was minimal when the cheese per se was treated. These results indicate that if the n-butanol extracts are heated according to Standard Methods, microbial phosphatases in cheese could be confused with milk phosphatase, thus subjecting these cheeses to possible regulatory action.

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