Effect of carbohydrates attached to polystyrene on hepatocyte morphology on sugar‐derivatized polystyrene matrices

Sugar‐carrying polymers have been utilized as artificial matrices for cell adhesion in tissue engineering. We have developed sugar‐derivatized polystyrenes (PV‐sugars) as artificial matrices, which control hepatocyte adhesion and hepatic function. Hepatocytes adhere to PV‐sugar matrices in a receptor‐mediated manner. In this study, we designed a new galactose‐derivatized PV‐sugar, poly‐(6‐O‐p‐vinylbenzyl‐α‐D‐galactose) (PV6Gal) and evaluated the role of carbohydrate attached to polystyrene (PS) backbone in the morphological difference of hepatocyte cultured on PV–sugar matrices. Hepatocytes spread on monosaccharide‐derivatized PV‐sugars but not on disaccharide‐derivatized PV‐sugars. The actin filament remained aggregated in the central area of the cell body on disaccharide‐derivatized PV‐sugars. Hepatocyte cell bodies fully were spread on collagen, and the actin filament was almost completely reorganized. Hepatocyte spreading on monosaccharide‐derivatized PV‐sugars, however, was caused by protrusive cell–matrix contact like lamellipodia and the actin filament was not completely reorganized. This indicated that hepatocyte spreading on PV‐sugar matrices was restricted compared with ECM‐mediated cell spreading. In addition, typical spheroid formation of hepatocytes was promoted on disaccharide‐derivatized PV‐sugars compared with monosaccharide‐derivatized PV‐sugars. Although hepatocytes adhered with different affinities to PV‐sugar matrices, hepatocyte morphology was not affected by the adhesion affinity. We suggest that the type of carbohydrate attached to the PS backbone governs the morphology of hepatocyte cultured on PV‐sugar matrices. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 67A: 1351–1359, 2003

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