Observation ofPd105NMR and NQR signals in the heavy-fermion superconductorUPd2Al3

Pd105 NMR and NQR measurements have been performed both in the normal and in the superconducting states for the heavy-fermion superconductor UPd2 Al3. The magnitude of the internal field at Pd is found to be about 3 kOe (at 4.2 K) in the antiferromagnetically (AF) ordered state. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate, 1/T1, in UPd2 Al3 is nearly temperature, T, independent in the paramagnetic state up to 60 K, successively diverges at Néel temperature associated with the critical slowing down of U magnetic moments, and then decreases markedly in the AF ordered state, which is well explained by a localized moment picture. These results have shown that Pd atoms are nonmagnetic, in which 4d electrons couple very weakly to U moments. In the superconducting state, 1/T1 decreases in proportion to T3 down to 0.5 K with no coherence peak just below TC, which indicates the occurrence of anisotropic superconductivity having line nodes in the superconducting energy gap. The coexistence of the AF ordering and the anisotropic superconductivity in UPd2 Al3 could unambiguously be confirmed.