Nutrient intakes in relation to cancer incidence in Hawaii

A representative sample of 4657 adults greater than or equal to 45 years of age from the 5 main ethnic groups in Hawaii (Caucasians, Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos and Hawaiians) were interviewed during 1977-1979 regarding their diets. Quantitative food-consumption histories were obtained, from which average daily intakes of fat (saturated, unsaturated, cholesterol, meat, dairy, fish, animal, vegetable and total), protein (animal, meat, fish, dairy and total), carbohydrate, and vitamins A and C (including supplements) were calculated using food-consumption data from standard sources. Multiple regression analysis, with sex as a controlled variable, was used to assess the statistical relationship between these ethnic-sex-specific intakes and corresponding population-based cancer incidence rates of 15 selected sites for which nutrient components are suspected to be either causal or protective. Based on pre-set criteria for establishing important relationships, significant positive associations were found for 6 of the cancer sites: breast cancer with fat (saturated, unsaturated, animal, total) and protein (animal), corpus-uteri cancer with the same components as breast cancer, prostate cancer with fat (saturated, animal) and protein (animal, total), stomach cancer with fat (fish only) and protein (fish only), lung cancer with cholesterol, and laryngeal cancer with cholesterol. Breast and corpus-uteri cancers also showed significant negative associations with carbohydrate intake. The implications of these findings for future research are discussed.