Detection of Lawsonia Intracellularis in Swine using Polymerase Chain Reaction Methodology

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was evaluated for its usefulness as a diagnostic tool to detect Lawsonia (ileal symbiont) intracellularis. Porcine ilea were collected from swine cases submitted to the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory between December 1, 1994, and June 30, 1995. Sampling was random, with no regard to health status. There were 621 ileum scrapings evaluated using the PCR technique. Thirty-five of the samples were positive, either by PCR or conventional diagnostic methods such as histology and Warthin-Starry silver stain. These 35 samples were further evaluated by Warthin-Starry silver stain and indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) to confirm the presence of L. intracellularis in the tissue sections. Of the 26 samples positive by PCR, 22 were positive by IFAT. Sixteen of the 22 were also positive when stained with Warthin-Starry and evaluated microscopically for typical bacteria. Nine of the original samples were negative by all 3 techniques. PCR appears more sensitive and specific for L. intracellularis detection than Warthin-Starry stain and IFAT. This study provides evidence that PCR may be useful as a reference standard for the detection of L. intracellularis. PCR may be an appropriate monitoring tool for swine herds because it is a rapid procedure that could be applied to batch testing. Although the test is currently too laborious and expensive for routine diagnostic use, there may be situations in which it is justified because of the advantages of greater sensitivity and specificity.