PBEQ-Solver for online visualization of electrostatic potential of biomolecules

PBEQ-Solver provides a web-based graphical user interface to read biomolecular structures, solve the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equations and interactively visualize the electrostatic potential. PBEQ-Solver calculates (i) electrostatic potential and solvation free energy, (ii) protein–protein (DNA or RNA) electrostatic interaction energy and (iii) pKa of a selected titratable residue. All the calculations can be performed in both aqueous solvent and membrane environments (with a cylindrical pore in the case of membrane). PBEQ-Solver uses the PBEQ module in the biomolecular simulation program CHARMM to solve the finite-difference PB equation of molecules specified by users. Users can interactively inspect the calculated electrostatic potential on the solvent-accessible surface as well as iso-electrostatic potential contours using a novel online visualization tool based on MarvinSpace molecular visualization software, a Java applet integrated within CHARMM-GUI ( http://www.charmm-gui.org ). To reduce the computational time on the server, and to increase the efficiency in visualization, all the PB calculations are performed with coarse grid spacing (1.5 Å before and 1 Å after focusing). PBEQ-Solver suggests various physical parameters for PB calculations and users can modify them if necessary. PBEQ-Solver is available at http://www.charmm-gui.org/input/pbeqsolver .