The development of the entorhinal, ipsilateral associational, and commissural afferents to the dentate gyrus have been studied autoradiographically, following the injection of small amounts of tritiated proline into the medial and lateral parts of the entorhinal cortex, and into fields CA3c and CA4 of the hippocampus, ia series of rats, on the third, sixth, and twelfth postnatal days. Clear labeling of the entorhinal afferents was found at the third postnatal day, and from the earliest stage studied the afferents from the two parts of the entorhinal cortex appear to be spatially segregated within the stratum moleculare of the dentate gyrus: the fibers from the lateral entorhinal areà occupying the outermost one‐third, or so, of this stratum, while those from the medial entorhinal cortex occupy its middle zone. The ipsilateral hippocampo‐dentate associational pathway is present at the third postnatal day, but the commissural projection (which shares wiht it the inner part of the stratum moleculare) could not be labeled until the sixth postnatal day. By the twelfth day the characteristic adult pattern of distribution of the terminals of the two hippocampo‐dentate pathways is established. although this pattern is best accounted for on the basis of a temporal competition for the available synaptic sites on the proximal parts of the dendrites of the granule cells, the spatial segregation of these two fiber systems from those arising in the entorhinal cortex, is probably due to the selective fasciculation of fibers in each group of afferents and to their early cytochemical specificity.