Theory of soft-x-ray-absorption thresholds: AmorphousMgxSb1xalloys and metallic Li, Na, Mg, and Al

The trends as a function of free-electron density, n=[(43)πrs3a3]1, in the soft-x-ray absorption spectra ε2(ω) of amorphous MgxSb1x alloys and metallic Li, Na, Mg, and Al are analyzed in terms of the many-electron theory of x-ray threshold anomalies: ε2(ω)=Al2[(ωET)ξ]αl. The threshold exponents αl are calculated as functions of rs using the Nozières-deDominicis theory and a (Hulthén) screened-potential approximation to the electron-hole interaction. These calculated exponents are in marked disagreement with the empirical rule α00.068rs for Na, Mg, and Al. The cutoff energy ξ is extracted from MgxSb1x alloy data and, within experimental error, is independent of x. Thus ξ cannot be identified with a Fermi energy. The value ξ=0.24±0.1 eV is too small to be identified as a conduction-band width, but could be identified with the exciton rydberg R=13.6(mm0ε02) eV, where m is the conduction-band mass and ε0 is the static dielectric constant of Mg3 Sb2. The analyses indicate the qualitative importance of final-state interactions in shaping the absorption thresholds, but improved, quantitatively accurate, theoretical understanding of the threshold exponents αl and the characteristic energy ξ is needed. Future experiments on x-ray edges of alloys such as MgxSb1x should be coupled with independent experimental determination of the variation of rs with composition x, in order to facilitate comparison of the many-electron theory with data.

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