Reduced erythrocyte deformability and hyperfibrinogenemia in Nigerian diabetics with hemolgobin genotype HbAA

Erythrocyte deformability ( \(\dot V\) rbc) and plasma fibrinogen values were studied in 44 Nigerian diabetics and 41 age-matched controls, some of whom were hypertensives. All had normal hemoglobin genotype (HbAA). \(\dot V\) rbc was significantly reduced in the diabetic patients compared to the control group (p<0.005). Similarly, the \(\dot V\) rbc in hypertensive diabetics was significantly reduced below that in both non-hypertensive diabetics (p<0.01) and hypertensive controls (p<0.01). Plasma fibrinogen concentration was significantly raised in the diabetics compared to controls (p<0.01). Although the fibrinogen was higher in the hypertensive diabetics than in diabetics without hypertension the difference was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference between hypertensive controls and hypertensive diabetics even though the latter had a higher mean fibrinogen than controls without hypertension. We conclude that Nigerian diabetics with normal hemoglobin genotype, HbAA, have poorly deformable RBCs and a hyperfibrinogenemic plasma compared to a non-diabetic control group. These findings may have a considerable prognostic significance in terms of the patients’ subsequent progress.