Lung cancer in Malaysia.

Between 1967 and 1976, 388 cases of lung cancer were seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur [Malaysia], with histological confirmation in 72%. Most were aged from 50-80 yr, with a male:female ratio of 2.8:1. The patients were predominantly of Chinese origin (82%) and from the lower socioeconomic strata. A history of smoking was elicited in 78%. The chief clinical and radiological features and the diagnostic methods are presented. The incidence of the histological types was squamous carcinoma 34%, adenocarcinoma 25%, large cell carcinoma 12%, small (oat) cell carcinoma 12%, undifferentiated/anaplastic 15%, and others 2%. Malays appeared to have a higher percentage of adenocarcinoma. A comparison between the histologically confirmed group and the rest showed no significant difference in features. Problems pertaining to the management of Malaysian patients are discussed.