This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. This case of dermatitis is reported because of the unusual etiologic factor—the rubber on an eyelash curler—and the unusual method of its application. Mrs. H. W. F. complained of a severe dermatitis of both upper and lower eyelids of six weeks' duration. During this time there had been several acute exacerbations with intervals of improvement, but the eyelids never became entirely normal. They were covered by an erythematous papulovesicular dermatitis, and in places there was slight exudation. Movement of the lids was somewhat difficult because of the edema. The deep portion of the fold of the upper lid was entirely clear. This point was observed when the patient was first seen and gave some evidence against the possibility of a direct application of the irritant. That the irritant was not directly applied was later proved by the observation that the material was transferred to the skin by the lashes and

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