Effect of Temperature Regime and Growth Stage Interaction on Pattern of Virus Presence in TSWV-Resistant Accessions of Capsicum chinense

We studied the resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus in plant introduction accession (PI)-151225 and PI-159236 under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Two temperature regimes were utilized, corresponding to early and late cultivation cycles. Inoculations were made at 2- and 4-leaf stages to determine the effect of early infection. The existence of interaction between temperature regime and developmental stage was also studied. When plants of both PIs were maintained at 30/18°C (day/night), all plants at both growth stages when inoculated developed systemic infection. At 25/18°C, only those plants inoculated at 2-leaf stage became systematically infected; however, those inoculated at the 4-leaf stage behaved as resistant. Thus, there was an interaction between temperature regime and growth stage. There is potential for using this type of resistance in areas with mild climates, providing seedling infections are avoided.