Theory of beat-resonant coupling of electrostatic modes

A general expression is derived for the beat‐resonant coupling electrostatic modes in a Vlasov plasma. The result for the coupling of two modes has a simple structure: the appropriate momentum gradient of the equilibrium particle distribution is weighted by a positive coupling coefficient and averaged over the resonance surface in momentum space. The contributions of all the resonance surfaces are then summed. This basic structure had been previously exhibited only for specific homogeneous plasma models. The present theory, which unifies and greatly simplifies these individual treatments, is based on a variational formulation of the Vlasov–Poisson equations. Using Lie transforms, the variational principle is reexpressed in oscillation‐center variables, and then the nonlinear wave dynamics are obtained from the independent variations of the wave phase and the wave amplitude. The power of the method is then applied to a strongly magnetized, strongly inhomogeneous, non‐neutral plasma model.