Cerebrovascular diseases in Uberlandia: I. mortality

We have analyzed 1361 death certificates, during the year of 1982 in Uberlandia (Brazil), all deaths of residents and not deathbirths. In 47% the deaths were assisted by a physician and the cause of death proved. The first basic cause of death found was cardiovascular diseases (23.3%). The second, infectious diseases particularly Chagas' disease (14.9%) and the third traumatic lesions and poisonings (14.4%). Cerebrovascular diseases were the seventh basic cause of death (6.5%) but the third most related disease at the death certificates (12.7%). It is important to stress that the mortality index change considerably if we consider the disease as a basic cause of death or in more than one position in the death certificate. For instance in Uberlandia the index for CVD was 30 and 63/100.000 inab/year, respectively. The carriers of arterial hypertension presented CVD related at death certificate 10 times more than in the not carriers of hypertension.