Ferromagnetic Resonance in Single-Crystal BaO·6Fe2O3

The theory of magnetic resonance in a highly anisotropic, uniaxial ferrimagnet is summarized and curves for the resonance behavior of BaO·6Fe2O3 as a function of applied field, parametrized with respect to angular orientation, are presented. Microwave ferrimagnetic resonance experiments performed from 66 to 120 GHz in a broad‐band, low‐Q waveguide system with applied magnetic fields up to 60 kG are reported. Sample temperatures ranged from 4.2° to 300°K. Good agreement between theory and experiment is found for spherical, single‐crystal samples. Samples of platelet geometry were also investigated. A brief discussion of observed magnetostatic modes is presented, along with evidence of nonlinear resonance response in BaO·Fe2O3 at 4.2°K for rf powers above 60 mW in the waveguide. The observed resonance linewidth was less than 10 G at 4.2°K.

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