Infrared laser single photon absorption reaction chemistry in the solid state. I. The system SiH4–UF6 a)

The reaction between SiH4 and UF6 under thermal gas phase and photon initiated conditions in cryogenic matrices has been investigated. The gas phase thermal reaction begins at 130–140° C producing HF, SiH3F, and a soliduranium fluoride product. When the UF6 is matrix isolated within SiH4 at 12 K and exposed to low power infrared radiation of 25 mW cm−2 using laser emissions resonant with the ν3 band of UF6, a reaction also occurs. This reaction produces SiH3F, UF5, and UF4 as products. The same reaction is also catalyzed using a broad band incoherent source with a photon flux density of 10 μW cm−2. The activation energy for the photoreaction (1.8 kcal mol−1) is considerably lower than the thermal activation barrier for the gas phase reaction. These experiments are part of the bases for uncovering a process of photochemistry of reactants in fixed relative configurations–single photon absorptionreaction chemistry in the solid state (SPARCSS). This process is a manifestation of a previously unrecognized, general matrix phenomenon in which spatial configurations dramatically affect potential energy surfaces for reaction.

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