Erectile dysfunction (ED) has long been ascribed to the ageing process. Patients presenting with ED often have their symptoms ignored in terms of both underlying aetiology and treatment. It is now clear that, in many cases, the pathological processes in ED are common to those involved in vascular disease. Men with proven coronary artery disease (CAD) have a high incidence of ED when directly questioned. In some, the onset of ED pre-dates the symptoms and diagnosis of CAD as exemplified in our two cases. Patient 1 developed ED two months before an acute anterior myocardial infarction. Patient 2 had several cardiovascular risk factors but only the presence of ED prompted investigations which eventually led to an angiographic diagnosis of three-vessel disease. The presence of silent co-existing myocardial ischaemia should be considered in men who present with ED, particularly when they have other cardiovascular risk factors.