Surface tension gradients: feasible model for gliding motility of Myxococcus xanthus

We propose that surface tension is the driving force for the gliding motility of Myxococcus xanthus. Our model requires that the cell be able to excrete surfactant in a polar and reversible fashion. We present calculations that (i) estimate the surface tension difference across a cell necessary to move the cell at the observed rate, which is less than 10(-5) dyn/cm, an extremely small value; (ii) estimate the rate of surfactant excretion necessary to produce the required surface tension difference, a rate that we conclude to be metabolically reasonable; (iii) predict the behavior of cells moving in close apposition to each other, and show that the model is consistent with observed behavior; and (iv) predict the behavior of cells moving in dense swarms. In an accompanying paper we present experimental evidence to support the surface tension model.