Prevalence of prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in Caucasian Mediterranean males: An autopsy study

Background The prevalence of carcinoma of the prostate gland (CaP) and high‐grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) was assessed in a Spanish population, representative of the Caucasian Mediterranean (CM) ethnic group. Data were compared with those described in populations from other geographical regions and in other ethnic groups. Methods CaP and HGPIN were evaluated in a consecutive series of prostatic glands collected at the post‐mortem examination of 162 male patients born and living in Spain, aged 20–80 years, and dying from trauma. The glands were sliced every 2–3 mm. All slices were paraffin embedded and sectioned to obtain 5 μm whole‐mount sections. To compare the prevalence rate in our series and in other Caucasian populations with that from other geographical areas and other ethnic groups, we used data from the autopsy study performed at the Wayne State University. Results Prevalence of CaP is 3.58, 8.82, 14.28, 23.80, 31.7, and 33.33% in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th decades, respectively. The rates of HGPIN were 7.14, 11.75, 35.71, 38.06, 45.40, and 48.15% at the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 8th decades of life. Both CaP and HGPIN are located preferentially at the peripheral zone of the gland and in 21/27 cases (77.7%), an association between CaP and HGPIN was found. The prevalence of both lesions in CM males is significantly lower than in Caucasian American (CA) and Afro‐American (AA) males in all the age groups evaluated. Conclusions Microscopic foci of CaP and HGPIN can be documented in CM males from the 3rd decade of life onwards. The lesions become more frequent and extensive as age increases. The prevalence of both lesions seems to be significantly lower in the CM population than in CA and AA males in all the age groups evaluated. Prostate 54: 238–247, 2003.