The clinical forms of nonulcerative American cutaneous leishmaniasis are divided, according to Rabello,1 into dermic nodular and vegetative; the latter form may appear with lesions resembling yaws and with verrucous lesions. In this report I shall deal only with the yaws-like type, which was described in Brazil by Terra 2 and confirmed by Cruz 2 in the state of Amazonas, where it is vulgarly called figueira (fig. tree). In the raspberry type the initial lesions do not ulcerate, but by acanthosis and hyperkeratosis they become covered with a thick epithelial layer similar at all points to the structure of a papilloma. The clinical aspect of this type is represented by soft papillomatous lesions similar to yaws. The diagnosis must be made between this disease and yaws, vegetative pyoderma, vegetative sporotrichosis, vegetative syphilid, acuminate condyloma and vegetative blastomycosis.