Vibrational relaxation of hydrogen by direct detection of electronic and vibrational energy transfer with alkali metals

A technique has been developed to measure the rate constant for vibrational relaxation of H2ν = 3,4 by H2ν = 0 . The technique uses a mechanically chopped, tunable, cw dye laser coincident with either of the Na resonance lines at 589.6 or 589.0 nm. Sodium vapor is contained in a glass cell along with Cs atoms and H2. Sodium atoms, excited by the dye laser radiation, collisionally transfer electronic energy to H2 producing some H2ν . Only vibrational energy in H2ν from levels ν = 3,4 can transfer to Cs as electronic energy and cause Cs resonance line emission at 894 and 852 nm. In this manner, using the observed emission as a detector of H2ν = 3,4 , the vibrational relaxation rate constant was determined to be 3.9 × 10−14 cm3 sec−1. Similar rate constants were measured, with somewhat less accuracy, for D2ν colliding with D2 and for H2ν colliding with He. It was found that N2, Na, and Cs also undergo electronic to vibration and vibration to electronic energy exchange.