The annual lipid cycle and feeding behavior of Alaskan redpolls

Total lipids were extracted from 161 redpolls (Acanthis spp.) collected each month of the year from October 1962 to September 1963, in interior Alaska. A lipid index (Weight of ether extract x100/live body weight) was calculated for each sample. Lipids were also extracted from sections of pectoral muscle, livers and hearts representing each month. Body weight and lipid index were significantly positively correlated being highest in January and lowest in September. Total lipid content was significantly inversely correlated with air temperature; the high autumn and spring pre-migratory lipid peaks of migratory species were only weakly expressed in the redpolls. Liver lipid showed a significant annual variation being highest in December and lowest in August, while lipid from heart and pectoral muscle did not vary seasonally. Five birds were held in captivity during spring and summer at a constant temperature of 22°C. Food consumption was 5.1 g/day or 22.4 kcal. The caloric value of the most extensively utilized natural food, birch seed (Betula papyrifera), was determined (5.4–5.5 kcal/g dry wt). When esophageal diverticulae are full (2.0 g wet wt) of birch seeds, the resulting energy yield may sustain an individual for only a fraction of a 24 h winter day in contrast to other arctic herbivores (e.g. ptarmigan, Lagopus sp.) in which a full crop may suffice for the full 24 h period.