The orientation of the visual streak of the cat's retina was compared to that of the long axis of the slit pupil in the same eye. In five paralyzed, anesthetized cats, the retinal projection to the superior colliculus was mapped with electrophysiological techniques. The orientation of the visual streak was estimated from the projection in visual space of the collicular region of high magnification which corresponds to the central projection of the streak. The angle by which the streak was tilted from absolute horizontal was always within one or two degrees of the angle by which the pupil axis was tilted from absolute vertical. This relationship was confirmed in three of the animals in which small retinal lesions were placed a known distance from the histologically determined axis of the streak. From the visual coordinated of these lesions, an independent estimate of the streak's orientation was obtained. In each case, the tilt of streak axis from horizontal differed by no more than 0.5° from the tilt of the pupil axis from vertical. The results support the hypothesis that planes containing the long axis of the cat's slit pupil are perpendicular to planes containing the long axis of the visual streak of the same eye.