Microneurosurgery for aneurysms of the basilar artery

✓ The authors report microsurgical treatment in 32 cases of basilar artery aneurysms, operated on with good results in 28 cases, fair results in one, and poor results in one; there were two deaths. Twenty-nine patients (91%) were able to return to social activities. Characteristics of the surgical techniques include 1) taking a transsylvian route; 2) retracting the M1 portion of the middle cerebral artery (occasionally the C1 portion of the internal carotid) medially with tapered brain retractors; and 3) approaching the aneurysm through and between perforators arising from the posterior cerebral artery in cases of high-placed basilar bifurcation. With regard to instrument improvements, tapered brain retractors, a multipurpose head frame, and bayonet clips (Sugita design) proved very helpful.