A non‐lymphocystis type disease associated with virus particles has been documented in winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), taken from a small estuary in Conception Bay, Newfoundland. The papillomatosis‐type lesions found on the dorsal surface of the fish contained numerous electron‐dense particles, approximately 30 nm in diameter. A number of lines of evidence, including cytochemical studies, indicated that the particles were not glycogen but virions. Sensitivity to deoxyribonuclease enzyme treatment and the presence of crystalline viral‘factories’in the nuclei of infected cells further suggested that the particles were small DNA virions. Characteristics including nucleic acid composition, particle size, site of multiplication and the lack of an envelope indicate that this fish virus is similar to the Papovaviridae and Parvoviridae families of mammalian viruses. Lymphocystis is common in flatfish populations along the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts of the N.W. Atlantic, but this is the first record of flatfish infection with a small DNA virus.